Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Enterprise is Hope for Growth

David Cameron said "enterprise is only hope for growth" (6 March 2011): http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-12657524

With no money left in the government coffers, the "only strategy" for growth is to get behind Britain's entrepreneurs, David Cameron said.

In a speech to his party's spring conference, the PM declared war on the "enemies of enterprise" - and said he was on the side of "go-getters":

Now in just over two weeks' time, George Osborne will present his Budget for Growth.

That's why today I want to focus on another value that runs deep, really deep in this party.

It's about the hunger to get on in life.

The spark of initiative.

The courage to make your dream happen.

The hard work to see it through.

I'm talking about enterprise.

Enterprise is vital for our economy - we all know that.

In this country we have got to to undertake a fundamental rebalancing of our economy.

Less debt, more saving. Less borrowing, more investment. Less dependence on financial services, more new industries, exports and trade.

But for we Conservatives, enterprise is about more than money, more than the economics of growth and GDP.

We understand that enterprise is not just about markets...

...it's also about morals.

We understand that enterprise is not just an economic good, it's a social good too.

We understand this because we understand what it's like...

...in a way that our opponents simply don't.

Look - I know - all political parties have their fair share of lawyers, lecturers and advisers. I should know

...and a lot of them work very hard.

But I think one of the great things about our party - the Conservative Party - is that at our roots we are the party of builders and businesswomen; electricians and engineers; roofers and retailers.

At its beating heart this is still a party of start-ups, go-getters, risk-takers.

What drives us is getting things done - and what drives us mad is the bureaucracy, the forms, the nonsense that get in our way.

We're the party of practical men and women, people with a passion and a mission to build a business and see it grow...

...not just for the money, not for the glory but for the simple reward and deep satisfaction of seeing your efforts pay off.

We are the party of enterprise.

And let me tell you - right now, right here today in Britain 2011, we have got the most almighty job to do.

Because for over a decade in this country the enemies of enterprise have had their way.

Taxing. Regulating. Smothering. Crushing. Getting in the way.

There is no shortage of enterprise in this country.

You see it in the 30,000-plus new firms that were started in January this year alone.

I see it in the ideas and the energy of all the entrepreneurs I meet...

...I get to meet some extraordinary people in this job. British people selling curries to India and fashion to France.

The enterprise culture is alive and well in this country...

...now we just need an enterprise government to go with it.

So I can announce today that we are taking on the enemies of enterprise.

The bureaucrats in government departments who concoct those ridiculous rules and regulations that make life impossible, particularly for small firms.

The town hall officials who take forever with those planning decisions that can be make or break for a business - and the investment and jobs that go with it.

The public sector procurement managers who think that the answer to everything is a big contract with a big business and who shut out millions of Britain's small and medium sized companies from a massive potential market.

So you want to know my strategy for growth?

When people say 'spend lots more money' I say forget it - Labour spent it all.

There's only one strategy for growth we can have now...

...and that is rolling up our sleeves and doing everything possible to make it easier for people to start a business to grow a businesses.

Back small firms. Boost enterprise. Be on the side of everyone in this country who wants to create jobs, and wealth and opportunity.

I know there's an enterprise culture in this country.

I know that we've got the people, the ideas, the talent, the energy to make things great.

And I'm going to make sure this government does everything it takes.

So I can tell you today, the Budget in a few weeks time will tear down the barriers of enterprise and be the most pro-growth Budget this government, this country has seen for a generation.

David Cameron has introduced StartUp Britain entrepreneur scheme (28 Mar 2011)

Recession? Get over it, and start making more of new opportunities. "A good entrepreneur looks for solutions, not excuses." said Sir Richard Branson.

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